The Sweater Show

The Sweater Show

Over the years, we’ve seen some wonderful and inspiring projects in our annual photo competition and now is the time for another one! Last year we saw your shawls, and the year before that you showed us your socks; it feels like the natural next step to show off our sweaters!

We love sweaters! The word 'sweater' is generally under-used in the UK, but it's  very useful as a catch-all term for any woolly garment worn on your torso. Cardigans, jumpers, short-sleeved or long, tunics, knitted jackets, they can all count as sweaters! 

Here are some sweaters made by the team at Wool on the Exe.

On the top row from left to right we have Debbie's Maja Cardigan by Helene Magnusson in Sirdar Country Classic Worsted, Ella's two daughters in the Vivacious Kids sweaters that she made them using Vivacious DK, and Ella in her modified version of Yelena Cardigan by Amy Christoffers.

Along the bottom row from left to right we have Trudi in her Central Park Hoodie by Heather Lodinsky knit in The Croft Shetland Tweed Aran, Sam's Floating Tee by Dora Ohrenstein made with Bio Balance, and her self-designed top-down sweater crocheted using Jewelspun yarn from Sirdar.

Have you ever made a sweater? Any style, any size and for anyone, we would love to see what you’ve made!

To join in please share a photo of your favourite sweater, or a collection of sweaters that you have made at any point in time. We would love to hear any stories or sweater-making tips alongside the photos that you share.

We will keep the competition open until the end of July and pick a random winner on at the beginning of August. The prize is a soon-to-be released pattern book from West Yorkshire Spinners – with lots of gorgeous designs to choose from.

You can enter in any of the following ways:

Email  - send your photos and stories to:

Facebook - post your photo and story as a comment below a competition thread on our Facebook page or make a new post in our Friends of Wool on the Exe Facebook group.

Instagram - post your photo and story to your profile and use the tag #WOTEphotochallenge21

Or (even better!) wear a sweater into the shop and we'll take a photo for you!

We can't wait to see what you share!

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